Arabidopsis thaliana


Thale cress

Common Name: Thale cress

Scientific Name: Arabidopsis thaliana

Domain: Multicellular Eukaryote


Biosafety Level: BSL1

Benefits and applications as a model organism

Benefits :

  1. Arabidopsis requires low maintenance only light, air, water and a few minerals to
    complete its life cycle. It has very limited space requirements, and is easily grown in a
    greenhouse or indoor growth chamber.
  2. It has a fast life cycle, produces numerous self progeny through selfing allows for
    experiments across generations.
  3. It possesses a relatively small, genetically tractable genome that can be manipulated
    through genetic engineering more easily and rapidly than any other plant. With the
    completion of the Arabidopsis genome sequencing project, we now have in hand the
    sequence of the approximately 25,500 genes in its genome. An extensive toolkit for
    manipulation has been developed over the last 20 years, including efficient mutagenesis,
    facile transformation technology, and DNA, RNA, protein, and metabolite isolation and
    detection methods.
  4. Ease of crossing,high transformation efficiency, powerful reverse and forward genetics
    and the ability to do mutational screens to saturate in the laboratory have also been key
    features resulting in increased research applications of Arabidopsis thaliana. A. Thaliana
    is efficiently transformed using the Agrobacterium tumefaciens vector. Currently, a large
    number of mutant lines and genomic resources are available for the study of Arabidopsis
  5. Arabidopsis thaliana has become universally recognized as a model plant for such
    studies. Although it is a non-commercial member of the mustard family, it is favored
    among basic scientists because it develops, reproduces, and responds to stress and
    disease in much the same way as many crop plants.


  1. A. thaliana a versatile model organism for use in the biology laboratory. It is widely used
    in the fields of plant science, genetics and evolution and has helped further our
    understanding of germination and aspects of plant growth that are important in
    commercial crops. In recent years A. thaliana has even become a model organism for
    the study of the biochemical and molecular processes.

  2. Arabidopsis thaliana Is a good model to understand gene isolation and function, and
    Thus, the function of many genes isolated from crop plants can be better understood via
    study of their Arabidopsis homologues. For example, Arabidopsis defense mechanisms
    against pathogens have been used directly to develop disease-resistant plants in other

  3. Tissue and cell culture of Arabidopsis thaliana is also extensively used to understand
    seed germination, callus development, and for various physiological and genetic
    conditions with varying external conditions.

Maintenance of Arabidopsis thaliana
